
NEISG (Multiplayer Infinite Chess game, currently down)


NOTE: This game was originally created 5 years ago. Since then it has been paused and resumed a couple times. It is currently down. With a mass of players and pieces it is a lot of work to moderate on one's own. wq I will eventually RESURRECT this on!!

- Naviary. Last updated: 6/7/23.

The player cap is 12 people! Anyone can join! This is a large, never-ending game of Chess on an Infinite Plane with a large variety of pieces from Infinite Chess, Bulldog Chess, etc.. Each player is a different color. The game never ends so your goal is to try to be the strongest, to grow your army, and take down your opponents! Everyone's moves are accounted for at the same time interval in the game, so there's no waiting for turn-taking 😊 The minimum board update time is 1 day.

Losing your king is not instant elimination, but it does hurt. It punishes you in the form of lost health, health which your king generates slowly over time, and health you can gain from rewards for capturing enemy pieces. You can grow your army by expending health to generate new pieces on the board, or by promoting pawns. If you fall too deep into the negative health range, then you will instantly be eliminated, and have another opportunity to join the game after 7 days and 3 game updates. There is also a new fun event triggered every 14 updates (inspired from Martin0's "Event Chess").

To join this game, a spot needs to be opened up, and you must be 1st in queue. Request to join the queue on this thread. Please read the complete rules (link below) before joining. Once you are secured a spot, I will message you telling you you can join and you will have 3 days to join before your spot may be given to someone else. You first must pick a color from the link below, but you can't pick one that's too similar to someone else's. Your joining move must be the placement your king. You will not be able to change your color without first dying and re-joining so choose wisely!

Players in queue: CLOSED


Link to Complete Page of Rules.

Link to join the official game club! Where we talk about the game rules, and more!

Link to all existing events and their rules.

Link to loads of position examples and conditional examples.

Link to All Possible Colors Here!



Players in the game and what color army they have-

  1. @Naviary - White/Cyan - Joined Update #1null
  2. @hitthepin - White/Green - Joined Update #1null
  3. @Bad_Dobby_Fischer - Solid Ocean Blue - Joined Update #1null
  4. @JamesAgadir - Fuchsia/Crimson - Joined Update #20null
  5. @tehanu - White/Crimson - Joined Update #110
  6. @samuelysfung - Ocean blue/Purple - Joined Update #134
  7. @TonyL103 - White - Joined Update #134
  8. @polito134567 - Orange - Joined Update #142

---=======--- STATISTICS ---=======---

View timeline of the game.

(remaining statistics now posted with each move)

Who will rise to power first? And will they be overthrown?


Very First Board (completely blank)! First update will happen in about 23-24 hours time!null


My joining move will be +P(0,0) !


And I choose Orange to be my ULTIMATE army color!


Can we add some more bulldog pieces please? I choose sky blue and put my pawn on +p(0,10)


Yes, I will get to adding more pieces auk happy.png And be careful, your move is illegal, pawns are only allowed to be place at rank 0 or below cause they promote at rank 6+ right now.


I'm sprry I meant +p(10,0) I am still getting that mixed up...


Purple. +P (500,0)


It's ok, I probably would have assumed you got them backwards & meant (10,0) anyway tongue.png

Oh fine. I shouldn't, but i am. +P(5,0) purple
Oops. I guess green. I was looking at an older version. Shucks

Sorry Waredude.😎


It seems everyone except SuperSam likes to space their pawn 5 tiles away from any neighbors xD

Except for white. He placed his on me

He didn't...


How in the world did i not see the minus? Facepalm



