
Openings for Chess960


     Has anyone come up with any opening systems for Chess960?  I know it is
difficult with all the variations but there must be some system that works a decent percentage of the time.  Who is the Chess960 World Champion if there is one, and has anyone written any books on the topic?


You might have a look at this thread that was started a few days ago and I hope is kept somewhat alive as we come up with new ideas.

The opening strategy that one adopts is so conditioned by the arrangement that it's difficult to say anything definitively other than to have rough generalities in mind when you initially appraise one, but one thing we were discussing starting in the 960 Group was to start threads wherein we post a starting position (maybe from one of the games you played recently), and discuss specific opening ideas, which is likely as close as we can get to 960 vote chess for now, but which I also think could be beneficial.

I know that personally there are positions I get when I start a game that "feel" better to me than others, I prefer my bishops beside one another and far away from my king, so I can open up a battery of them early on.


-look for unprotected or weak pawns

-if the rooks are central, push the pawns they are behind

-if the knights are in the corner, it'll take a few moves to get them central, so be wary they don't get stuck  doing nothing

- apart from that, ATTACK :-P


There are a couple books on Fischer Random. The only one I've been able to get my hands on was Play Stronger Chess by Examining Chess960. I wasn't real impressed. It didn't have that much on the openings, and seemed limited by only considering the Mainz tournament.


It is so easy to get in trouble early in the game if your opponent attacks.


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I like  the concept of Chess960 but I don't believe it will ever replace Regulation