
some fun versons of chess


anyone played doublechess?(also known as a bughouse) 4 people make teams, each with 2 players, one player is black and another is white. when 1 of the players capture a piece, they give it to their partner and he/she can place it where ever he/she wants. but no pawns on the eight rank.

some rules are that you cant "drop check" or "dropmate"

another varient is take me or suicide king. who ever has no pieces wins. but if you can take a piece, you HAVE to take can take kings.


one more is 3 checks or 5 checks or 10 checks.

basically you just try to check 3,5,or 10 times to win.


We're playing some Bughouse in the *Results May Vary group right now. In fact, we have one slot open in the Atomic Bughouse game.


when i play bughouse you can drop pieces with check or checkmate


That rule does tend to change a lot.  I normally play with no drop checks and drop checkmates.  


some guy on other site told me to try tempest chess, didnt have chance yet.