
Not 1 video about Hikaru gambling?


It caused quite the uproar: Hikaru did a livestream to promote a gambling website. Many people had a strong opinion about it.

Out of curiosity I wanted to see if there where any Youtube Chess Persona's speaking out about the topic. Much to my surprise there is NOT ONE video about the whole ordeal.

I typed in:

Hikaru Gambling
Hikaru Slots
Hikaru K*** (name of site where he streamed)
Hikaru St*** (name of site where he gambled)

I've sorted on Relevance and Upload date, but I could not find a single video about the topic. Isn't that odd for such a controversy?


Link to Reddit topic, if you don't know what this is is about.

It's the 3rd most upvoted topic of the year + many many comments.

How can it be that literally NO ONE made a youtube video about it. Not even some random dude?

MartinStockfish wrote:

bro why are u advertising????

Are you ok? I censored the names of the site for a reason.


Im looking for serious comments, thanks.


Hikaru has a pretty big audience so any big youtuber/streamer would not want their reputation to sink down the drain so thats why they arnt critisizing him.


I suppose, but I wouldn't expect chess youtubers to cover it either way, that would be a commentary youtuber thing, and this is probably under their radar. Most audiences of chess youtubers (outside of Hikaru's ironically) would be uninterested in what advertiser a youtuber they don't watch is using. Not that they wouldn't strongly disagree with it, but they wouldn't watch a 15 minute video on it. Not every controversy is video-fied, as it has to be incredibly shocking, amusing, or complex enough to require a video. This kind of controversy is more of a twitter and reddit thing.


I'm unsure what you're suggesting the controversy is. With almost 2M Twitch followers and over 2M X followers, that makes Hikaru an influencer. Influencers, celebrities and athletes frequently promote products and services... it is how many make money.

It's not like he's gambling on the outcome of chess matches. Sports leagues, athletes and even music artists promote the same site. Hikaru has promoted other products and services and there hasn't been discussions about it... why should this be any different? One could argue it's sports and gaming related.

GM Finefgold has streamed poker. I believe his wife might be a professional poker player.

Is the controversy morality based? Would it be controversial for Hikaru to promote alcohol, adult websites, legal recreational drugs, crypto, investments, pharmaceuticals, personal injury lawyers, plushies?

chesslover0003 написал:

I'm unsure what you're suggesting the controversy is. With almost 2M Twitch followers and over 2M X followers, that makes Hikaru an influencer. Influencers, celebrities and athletes frequently promote products and services... it is how many make money.

It's not like he's gambling on the outcome of chess matches. Sports leagues, athletes and even music artists promote the same site. Hikaru has promoted other products and services and there hasn't been discussions about it... why should this be any different? One could argue it's sports and gaming related. You shouldn't care at all what he does. If he wants to advertise gambling, then so be it. Thanks to people like him, I discovered bonanza game, namely on So I don't see anything bad in this. A person who is gambling will find a place to play anyway.

GM Finefgold has streamed poker. I believe his wife might be a professional poker player.

Is the controversy morality based? Would it be controversial for Hikaru to promote alcohol, adult websites, legal recreational drugs, crypto, investments, pharmaceuticals, personal injury lawyers, plushies?

I support you, it's his business what to do.


It is surprising.