
When I watch Hikaru or Magnus Stream Blitz Thoughts, How and What Should I Learn?

SoupTime4 wrote:
SeniorPatzer wrote:
llama44 wrote:
JamesColeman wrote:

I can think of countless things I could watch where I could see how they're doing something, without it translating to me being able to replicate it.

I think they're nice seed ideas though. Something you can think about or work on later. Similar to quickly looking at GM games.


I'm actually seeing if I can have my cake and eat it too, ha, ha.  While I'm being entertained, so to speak, can I simultaneously extract good learning as well?  If so, how can I maximize my learning while watching and hearing a GM verbally give us his thought process under time pressure?

Watching a video is passive learning.  So turn that into active learning.  Set up a board, and pieces.  Get a pencil, and paper.  While watching the video, pause it, and play over the game/position on your set.  Write down your thoughts, ideas, game plans, etc. 

Thank you for this advice!  I'm  going to incorporate this into my studying. Just yesterday,  I heard Garry Kasparov say that nothing beats putting the pieces on the chessboard and moving them around (versus looking at and analyzing the computer screen. He went into detail as to why. But that's not important...I mean you would already know why).

Thank you for all of your great advice. 😊



No. To tickle (at least when Danny and Hikaru use it) is to throw in a move or a set of moves simple to "tickle" the opponent and make them burn a little bit of time, while you can decide what to do to make progress in the position.  So for example, a few rook checks which don't achieve anything on the board, but waste a few seconds for the opponent, and allow you to come up with a plan.


For example in this game white inserts the check Bh7+, this achieves nothing and actually loses a tempo, but could be useful in a bullet game to "tickle" the opponent. There are better examples but this is a simple one.


Oh.  Thanks.  I've never seen a GM annotated game where the GM says that the idea of this move is to "tickle" the opponent.


But if it's a rapid/blitz/bullet game, then I can see what you're saying Steven.


Yeah, the term has only been coined in the last few years and it's only really used by streamers in online bullet and blitz.