
Who is your favorite streamer?


Unpopular opinion: Anish Giri

Simple reasons: A mixture of memes (mostly dead memes) and actual chess knowledge in one stream. Even though he likes trolling over Twitter, he's just a genuine GM who has some kind of charisma and actually cares about chess.

People might know him as the artist of draws but not as a streamer as he barely streams on Youtube (he has families).


Gothamchess, Daniel Naroditsky, Alessia Santeramo.

Anna Cramling

Gothamchess and thechessnerd

Gart_Arfunkel wrote:

Gotham is a douche.

Chessbrahs are alcoholics.

Anyone watching the Botez sisters is either a horny teen boy or a dirty old man.

Esserman is the only right answer here.

GothamChess's sense of humor is very dry and he uses a lot of sarcasm in his jokes, so it can make him look like an extremely arrogant douchebag for people who don't watch him regularly even though he really isn't.

Even though the Chessbrahs do drink quite a bit, it's usually to make entertaining content and it's not like they're harming anybody else when they drink. Magnus Carlsen drinks a lot and nobody calls him out being an alcoholic.

And your claim that "The Botez sisters fanbase is entirely made up of horny teen boys and dirty old men" is extremely untrue and sexist of you to say just because they are women and a majority of the chess playerbase is male. Even if your claim was true, it wouldn't make them worse streamers and they wouldn't have any control over it.


Johnny Weismuller!