
1000-rated 15 y/o is it realistic to try to get to CM?

Not sure if it’s too late, help is appreciated

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Honestly, it's totally realistic for a 15-year-old with a 1000 rating to aim for CM, but it's going to take some serious dedication. Right now, you're at a stage where you’ve got tons of room to grow, and you're still young enough that you can make big strides in your game. There are people who start taking chess seriously at your age or even later, and they reach pretty high levels.

The key thing will be how much time and effort you're willing to put in. You’ll need to study openings, improve your middle game, and really focus on learning endgames because that's where a lot of games are decided. Getting a coach or someone stronger than you to point out your mistakes can help a ton, too.

You'll also have to play a lot—against tougher opponents if possible. Online chess is great for that, but don’t forget about local or online tournaments where you can test yourself under pressure.

It's not going to be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. Going from 1000 to CM is a big leap, but if you stay committed and enjoy the process, it’s definitely something you can work toward. So yeah, it’s ambitious, but absolutely within reach if you’re willing to put in the time.


Absolutely, it's realistic for you to aim for the CM title, especially at 15 years old and with a starting rating of 1000.

