... started laughing at me mid game for losing a piece and just generally being toxic mid-game ...
Not the best of behaviors but doesn't sound too bad.
Is everything toxic now?
Nah, that was probably the only toxic encounter I had in over 50+ games at that rating range. Even at times where I expected people to be toxic, there was nothing. Maybe if I said something like gg at the end of a game, people would respond negatively, but I doubt so.
The thing is there are a lot of cheaters above 800.
Chess.com doesn't do anything about them so the least you can do is just give them a decent trashtalk.
So Puzzletactician, you can block everything, I will just open a thread on the forum dedicated to your name if you cheat.
And you probably do, people don't just get to rating 2300 if they play fair, unless they're titled pro players.
I wouldn't go around calling people who have a high rating 'cheaters', especially when their high ratings are in shorter time controls, where it is much harder to cheat effectively.
But a blatant cheating accusation isn't relevant to the topic I brought up.