I think this is an interesting question. First, I must resist the urge to explain why I believe cheating is not in the best interest of the cheater.
What would you estimate the incidence of cheating (defined as using a computer program to help select your move) in turn based (not live) online chess?
Any analysis of games as you suggest in #2 would only make a statistical arguement for cheating, although that might be a very strong one.
Has a survey been done asking members if they have ever cheated? This would give at least the low end of the incidence.
Members are always complaining about cheating. Though the chess.com staffs catch cheaters every day, the growing amount is bigger. What can we do to stop this? I will list a few ways.
If you have any stories, suggestions, comments,complaints, or concernes, please leave a comment below thanxs!
[The site's policy is to limit discussion about cheating to the Cheating Forum. http://www.chess.com/groups/view/cheating-forum. More information in the FAQ http://support.chess.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/124/0/cheaters--cheating-what-you-need-to-know. Moderator]