
Did they make an update to the site?


Went to play a game and now my mouse pointer is a black hand instead of what it was before and the animations are skipping and the site is slower. Did push out some stupid pointless "update" that like pretty much every update for any website ever made the site [removed -- MS]?

Just fire the product owner instead of letting them ruin the site by making constant "improvements" that make the site suck [removed]


Censoring criticism of your site. How noble of you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of hiding people calling out your crap product, don't make a crap product and hide behind censorship

BadDewaltBattery wrote:

Censoring criticism of your site. How noble of you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of hiding people calling out your crap product, don't make a crap product and hide behind censorship

No criticism was censored. The site has a TOS and Community Policies about posting guidelines.

Regarding the criticisms, I'm not aware of any changes that would cause the impact you're seeing.


"TOS and Community Policies" is just woke speak for censorship.

Stop spending time censoring posts on your forums and fix the site.