is a 900 rating good for a 12 year old, I have a USCF unrated account as of today
im 1500 and my b day was about 3 days ago. im iomproving a lot so i believe anything above 1000 should be good for a 12 year old
i am 1200 but i think 1000 or 1k+ is good
1500 rating
1700 blitz or rapid is considered pretty good for a 12 year old.
Im 11 is 2400 OK lol
I am u12 switherland champ btw
hey i want to make friends intrested anyone
Is 900 good for a 9yr old
Uh hello
Yeah it's more than good it's excellent
So u think indians r worst players
im 11 is 1300 ok
Dude that is great!!!!
I think the fide rating should be 1649 and online should be 2359
is a 900 rating good for a 12 year old, I have a USCF unrated account as of today