
Hardly anyone “runs it back”

What happened to run it back.. especially in low time control games that don’t take long..
Hardly anyone plays a second game when hit for a rematch. When you make a careless blunder and give up a game you wanna another game to be like (if I don’t fk up what happens) if you blunder again welp you lost that match up. But hardly ever getting a rematch in general here I’ll just say it really feels like this place is filled with a bunch of *itches. Scuse my French🤐😑
You’re almost making sense here but not quite
Are you complaining about people being too scared to do a rematch?
Basically yes. Too many babies get lucky and run with their points.

When I play OTB I always grant a rematch. Probably because there isn't any instant Game Review!


...You ever considered people just click new game to get a game quickly instead of rematching someone they just beat?

You just sound salty that people who beat you then don't rematch you. You're not entitled to get revenge. I never do rematches, regardless if i win or lose. I always just click new game, because that's what I like to do, and i want to verse different people every time not the same person 50 times.


If you search forum threads from 10-15 years ago you’ll find people complaining about why they never get rematches so I’m not sure much has changed tbh. 

personally I never offer rematches as it’s just easier to hit new game, but if my opponent offers before I get repaired then I’ll often accept. If they don’t - it’s not something I would be concerned about.

Mobbin44 wrote:
Basically yes. Too many babies get lucky and run with their points.

It's not about that, it's about how a loss makes you feel less valuable, and you want an opportunity to experience a win against the same opponent, which would remedy the negative feelings you have towards yourself.

It's possible to solve without rematches though. Learn to love yourself either way. Realize things like sometimes you benefit from inexplicable blunders (when your opponent makes them) and sometimes you lose because of them (when you make them). Even professionals blunder. When you blunder don't rage and smash rematch, forgive yourself and move on.

Mobbin44 wrote:
Basically yes. Too many babies get lucky and run with their points.

They don't get lucky, you're the one who blundered.


DreamscapeHorizons wrote:

fr like stop press the new game button


I found that 99% of the time I lost the rematch (5 min blitz). I then started checking on the stats of people and found that their rapid/daily ratings were much higher than their blitz. That tells me that generally some people use blitz to test out new things and that their blitz rating is not representative of their true level.

So I stopped doing rematches.


I recommend for most players to avoid rematching. Use that time, instead, to review the game you just played ...

This can help pull you out of that emotional mindset where you're craving redemption or revenge - and put you into a more analytical mindset, where you can focus on learning and improving, instead.

Mobbin44 wrote:
Basically yes. Too many babies get lucky and run with their points.

When I'm playing 5 min blitz, when the game is finished I either want to look carefully at the game or I want to play another. If I want to play another I hit the new game thing right away. If I want to look at the game, obviously I'm not going to play you and may already be in analysis. Either way, the requests usually come too late. I might wait a few seconds to see if there's a rematch request only if I like the way someone plays, like they don't try to win on time in a hopeless position, like it looks like they're a real player and not someone who tries to block the game up and win on time.

JBarryChess wrote:

I found that 99% of the time I lost the rematch (5 min blitz). I then started checking on the stats of people and found that their rapid/daily ratings were much higher than their blitz. That tells me that generally some people use blitz to test out new things and that their blitz rating is not representative of their true level.

So I stopped doing rematches.

Yes I find the same thing. Generally someone who loses and asks for a rematch will play anti-chess or obviously try just to win on time because it's their best chance. Rematches are pointless unless you feel a connection with the person you just played. Why let someone get revenge, anyhow??

If they won and ask for a rematch, I'm more likely to accept. I find that if I win the next two, they don't ask for another.