
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!


It is there already: it is my king.

If I wouldn't have had a king on my side, but an extra queen for instance, I would have won all my games. Now I have lost a lot of them. Without a king on my side, I would be invincible.


pawns dont move and knights cant jump pieces


The no-name-no-blame it starts in e3 and moves like a queen, and jumps like a knight- but it can't capture or be captured.


the troll basically it is always in front of the piece your abot to move


The Black Hole: a useless piece that occupies d5, d4, e5 and e4, sucking up and capturing any piece that moves into its square. V See diagram V




The bell pepper. Basically what it does is ... well never mind


The dumbass. Can only move to somewhere where it can be captured, cannot capture any other pieces, and can move in any way so long as it meets these conditions.


The Accountant.

The accountant resides somewhere under the chessboard, no one knows exactly where.  At any time after the game has started the accountant can pop up in an unoccupied square next to the king and whisper in his ear. Once the accountant appears he must follow the king around like a puppy taking whatever square the king just left.

While on the board, the accountant has two abilities.

1.  He can issue a report that the kingdom is over budget, and must suspend opperations, allowing the player to make no moves in a turn.

2.  He may report that pawns are the kings most cost-effective peices, allowing the player to convert any of his rooks, bishops or knights into pawns.  The queen, (high maintenance diva that she is) is of course immune to such cost restrictions.


Imagine 30 pawns plus the queen and the king. chaos at large.


A 2nd King.



A cross between a knight and a king.

It can jump pieces, but never gets the opportunity as it can only move one square at a time.


Bureaucrat.  Before you can move any other peice, this peice ensure that you first fill out the all of the appropriate paperwork and will processes it within 4-6 weeks.  Requests for peice promotion may take longer (and must be completed in triplicate), however if you grease the Bureaucrat's hand properly you may get a faster response.


ping. Its a combination between a king and a pawn, where if you lose it, you lose the game, but it can only move forwards.


So it basically becomes an '80s bottom-to-top scrolling video game?


yes. I forgot about the best part though. If the ping reaches the end, you lose as well, because you have to promote. Also, the ping mist capture diagonally.


The IS jihadist would make a great chess piece. Adjacent pieces are either converted or beheaded - regardless of their color.


The ex-wife:

Every 5 turns it takes one of your pieces until you have nothing left


The double-agent:

On White's turn, this piece is white; on Black's turn, it becomes black.

(on second thought, this might make it difficult to deliver check!)


The mountain occupies all 64 squares, is white on one side and black on the other. Opponents take turns unable to move it's massive bulk.