
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!

chr1s-u wrote:

The mountain occupies all 64 squares, is white on one side and black on the other. Opponents take turns unable to move it's massive bulk.

That will be a short game! Cool


The porcupine:

It moves like the king -- one square in any direction.

But when touching the piece, you notice it is completely covered in outward facing sharp needles.


The Dark Knight.

Secretly, it is in fact the most powerful piece in the game, a vigilante crime-fighter capable of taking out the entire opposition army single-handedly. But, in order to protect the pieces close to it, it will never reveal its secret identity, posing instead as an ordinary, mild-mannered........ knight. (jumps one square up/down and two accross, or one square accross and two up/down.) 


Why do you need another ? Isn't it bad enough that the King spends most of the game sitting on the loo ?


The sloth - it can't take enemy's pieces, and doesn't move unless there's a direct threat of capture.


Cripes! I wish I thought of that! How come its always a woman who comes up with the bright ideas ? I don't get it.


The en pissant, gets drunk and falls over.


The C4ess Board-...BOOM!


the Cream Puff Warrior...takes itself whenever threatened.


The over-achiever

Can move (and capture) up, down, sideways, and diagonal.

Must move a minimum of 9 squares at a time.

W-Luke wrote:

The Inmortals: Whenever you eat them, you get back to your previous square, and another inmortal replace it. They always have to surround the king, so it's impossible to do checkmate (the game turns inmortal too).

They can't be pinned? 

tresequis wrote:

The Dark Knight.

Secretly, it is in fact the most powerful piece in the game, a vigilante crime-fighter capable of taking out the entire opposition army single-handedly. But, in order to protect the pieces close to it, it will never reveal its secret identity, posing instead as an ordinary, mild-mannered........ knight. (jumps one square up/down and two accross, or one square accross and two up/down.) 

Does it rise too?


the "get out of checkmate free piece". It completly reverses the board and you win.


The new pawn, is only allowed to move 1 square except its his first move so he can do 2 squares. He is also allowed to do en passant

mic15counterstrategy wrote:

The new pawn, is only allowed to move 1 square except its his first move so he can do 2 squares. He is also allowed to do en passant



Yep, the worse part of it is a little hidden but its worse because its "the new pawn" so people are not used to use this piece


can he capture diagonally or no


Yes he can capture ONLY diagonally, thats why this piece is the worst of all!


It's official...Cream Puff Warrior wins as the most useless piece.

Voting recount to resume in seven days, no hanging chads accepted.


No "The Strawberry" is a worse piece