
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!


The LIMITER: It keeps track of every square where each piece has moved and will not let it move to that square a second time in the same game. It always occupies the last square where the last piece moved from , cannot be taken or have another piece land on that square till it moves on to another square. 


The MURPHY: It stays off the board until a checkmate or stalemate occurs or until a repetition of moves occurs that could end the game, then it replaces the piece that made the game ending move as a Knight that is forbidden to give check , jump over or take another piece. 


The KIBITZER: If any position occurs on the board that has been reported, the Kibitzer (another piece that is stationed off the board) starts talking out loud about that game. Below is an example:

1. e4 Kibitzer for white sa


oops  Kibitzer says:

1. e4     Fisher would approve.

... e5      Millions of these


44. Rc3   In 2019 Koslav found a move here that totally refutes this idea!


The SNEAKY SNAKE: It is a spirit that migrates randomly from piece to piece each move. If it catches you looking away from the board, it will move whatever piece it is in at the moment to a different square.. It magically changes the recorded score to support the new position so that no claim can be made against it. 

The drunk pawn: you roll a die, and depending on the number, you travel any direction forward.

The Dummy. It cannot be captured and cannot move to any square other than the square it is on and can skip a move by jumping on the same square and can exchane squares with certain special pieces. 


The GG. Says "GG" to any piece that just got captured.


The pinyy it can kill only your pieces and placed besides the queen. If any of your opponents pieces capture it the will become immortal and the guest will come


The bruh piece says "bruh" to your opponent when he doesn't accept a draw in a dead drawn position.


Is the king not useless enough? If that’s the case, make a prince to replace it. The prince is unable to move independently but moves each time when another piece moves, going on the square it was on before. 


The princess it can move like its mother(the queen) but only to the squares which it can be killed


An addition to the pinyy it protects your opponent from checkmate and checkmates you


The idiot: It affects a 3x3 area by making its own color pieces disappear. It only affects your pieces. 


The black hole. It swallows everything including the board before the first move is made.

Credit to @Luvrug for inspiration


Handicap Pawn, doesn't move after 2 moves


The centre: whenever a piece of yours enters the center you get checkmated


The prewn. Whenever you move all your pawns turn into pewns


bigfoot wherever it moves it eats the nearest piece


The Queen inverter: When your queen checkmates the enemy king the sides switch and you lose the game.