
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!

The Painintheass- is a piece that takes up the whole 4th and 5th rank, needs both sides' king to capture it.
The engine- If i have this your gonna get screwed over by a chess moderator
Power of 1000- Can move everywhere, even outside the board, unfortunately, it does not care whatsoever about turns or teams and just kills everyone at lightspeed

The nuke - when moved all pieces within 5 squares are out of play for the rest of the game

Your restarted pawn example doesn’t work because everyone you move your b1 knight it’s not on b1 so the piece only moves if you move the knight back and away again.

The "Spectator" Piece.

This piece doesn't move at all, and doesn't capture any other pieces. Instead, it just sits on the board and watches the game, without any ability to interfere. Its only purpose is to make the board look a bit more crowded and confusing, and to potentially distract the players with its meaningless presence.

Of course, this pece would never be used in serious games, as it provides no strategic advantage whatsoever. However, it might be amusing to include it in casual games or as a novelty item for chess enthusiasts.


The "Reverse Knight" Piece.

This piece moves like a regular knight, but instead of moving in an L-shape (two squares in one direction and then one square perpendicular to that), it moves in a reverse L-shape (one square in one direction and then two squares perpendicular to that).

So, for example, if the Reverse Knight is on b1, it could move to a3, c3, or d2. However, since it can only move in a reverse L-shape, it can never reach certain squares on the board that a regular knight can, such as e4 or g6.

Like the Spectator piece, the Reverse Knight doesn't capture any other pieces and doesn't serve any real purpose in the game. It just adds a bit of novelty and confusion to the board.


The "Teleporter" Piece.

This piece doesn't move like any other piece on the board. Instead, it has the ability to teleport to any other empty square on the board, regardless of how far away it is. The Teleporter can also teleport to a square occupied by an enemy piece, in which case the enemy piece is immediately captured and removed from the board.

However, the Teleporter can only be used once per game, and can only be activated when the player is in checkmate. If the Teleporter is used, the game ends in a draw.

As you can see, the Teleporter piece doesn't serve any strategic purpose and is entirely useless. It's just a fun addition to the game that could potentially lead to some unexpected outcomes

The "Mirror" Piece.

This piece doesn't move on its own, but instead reflects the movement of another piece on the board. For example, if the Mirror is placed next to a knight, it will move in the same L-shape pattern as the knight does.

However, the Mirror doesn't actually do anything useful in the game. It doesn't capture any pieces, and it doesn't help protect or attack the player's own pieces. It's just a useless and redundant addition to the board that could potentially confuse the players.

As you can see, the Mirror piece is entirely pointless and wouldn't serve any strategic purpose in a game of chess. It's just a novelty item that might be amusing for some players to experiment with.

The "Jester" Piece.
This piece moves randomly across the board, with no clear pattern or strategy. It can move in any direction, any number of squares, and can even move through other pieces. However, it can never capture any other pieces, and doesn't serve any real purpose in the game.

The Jester is essentially just a distraction on the board, and doesn't provide any strategic advantage to the player who controls it.

The "Snail" Piece.
This piece moves incredibly slowly, and can only move one square at a time. It can move in any direction, but its slow movement makes it almost useless in the game. It can't capture any other pieces, and is easy for the opponent to avoid or trap.

The Snail is essentially just a hindrance on the board, and doesn't provide any strategic advantage to the player who controls it.

The "Clone" Piece.
This piece has the ability to create a perfect clone of any other piece on the board, including the opponent's pieces. The clone has the same movement abilities as the original piece, but can only move once before it disappears.

However, the Clone piece doesn't serve any real purpose in the game, and doesn't provide any strategic advantage to the player who controls it. It's essentially just a gimmick that could potentially lead to some confusing situations on the board.




I win

the prince - moves like a pawn and if it touches the pawns the prince gets thrown in jail and has to be bailed by the queen

The lazy king. This piece cannot move, and is basically just another king. When it is in check, it is in checkmate, as it cannot move. You lose if the lazy king is checkmated, too.


The Rock, randomly placed within the empty squares in the board and just blocks the path of your pieces

MarioParty4 wrote:

The lazy king. This piece cannot move, and is basically just another king. When it is in check, it is in checkmate, as it cannot move. You lose if the lazy king is checkmated, too.

Your basic idea is an interesting one. But not that you can both capture or block a checking piece. It's only double-checks that force the king to move.


The Poop.  When the king eats an enemy horse, two turns later they leave a Poop on their current square.  The Poop cannot move but if any piece steps on it they become immobilized for three turns.


The suicide, every time you move him you auto lose


The knight blocker, does not allow your pieces to move until taken


The book. Every time you or your opponent moves it takes something. 


The Volcano. When a piece lands on it, it erupts and flows off the board.


The perpetrator: every 24 moves appears on a random( its randomness is based on an absurdly complex weather-based algorythm) square of the board and dissapears on the Next move alltogether with the piece that was on his 1 square radius, if there is any. If the hijacked piece IS a King then you lose the game and 14 seconds later you get a call from Obama himself explaining how to get over an unfortunate random event like you just witnessed and that Lord has a plan for your king, and gives you condolences

DrFrank124c wrote:

My idea for a useless piece is an invisible piece that is not actually placed on the chessboard itself but is placed on the side of the board. The piece is never put on the board and is never moved or even talked about. I call it the " ."

Lol n1


The drunkard - he moves one square in any random direction (determined by a roll of a die), capturing whatever is in his way, everytime a person moves.

the other drunkard: moves to random squares on the board

notice their squares spread out in random direction


The fart. Can move 1 or 2 squares in any direction and any piece next to it passes out until the fart moves away. By passing out the piece is immobilized and the piece can't check or capture. The fart can immobilized it's own men as well