Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!
Your emotional support guy. You can sacrifice for 2 queens but you will lose in 5 moves because you need some time to cry alone.
The ashtray-rook:
A piece and an ashtray at the same time. Meticulously designed to excel by its beauty over normal rooks.
It has cigaretts' ads on it.
The hologram piece. It basically is an hologram, and you everytime lose by time, because you spend all your minutes trying to move it.
It's not new, but it's the pawn in chess 1.0. It can move just one square forward, even in the beginning, and promotion uses a turn. Automatic promotion started in the 1800s.
death piece
death piece
death piece
death piece
death piece
death piece
death piece
death piece
makes you die
dead body, when a queen dies, its body will stay there and make you lose turns because the pieces see their beloved queen die. can only be buried by a king and dead body can block that square.
The drag queen. It moves just like the queen does, all powerful, but if you go 2 consecutive moves without moving it, including the first 2 moves, so you'd need to do something like 1.c3, 2.Qa4, it dies and is removed from the board. It is allowed to move on back to back moves, but any point in which you 2 straight moves without moving it, it comes off the board. It replaces the traditional Queen and starts on d1 and d8.
The Somi-Bot, it chooses a player and plays for them (located under the chessboard, and both kings). The problem is that it only tries to make blunders or other bad moves.
Traffic light for rooks and bishops. Regulares center traffic. If you Cross in red the local chess federation will send a letter communicating you got a 100€ fine
(if you ignore the letter the CHESS POLICE Will come and put you in chess jail where you Will be forced to play chess at gunpoint for 1 year).