Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!
The wizard, it looks like a pawn and it replaces one of your pawns so you dont know which pawn it is. It dissapears every move and appears randomly again the next move. It could eat the opponents king, winning the game for you. But it could eat your king losing the game for you. Only white has this piece
The slave. There's a brown pawn in the center that waits. Starts to serve you when u capture It. It can be captured and recaptured so its never out of the board
The Judge: this piece occupies the 4 central squares and its height Is 4 times the queen. It desintegrates with laser ray any piece that eats its equal(for example if a bishop eats another bishop). If one of the players runs out of time The Judge punishes him with a laser blast at the left eye damaging his sight temporarily
The phown: instead of promoting a pawn to a better piece you can turn it into a phown.
moves and eats backwards. If a phown gets to its original square you can exchange It for a pawn
The Randummy. It moves about only on a square that your piece is on. The piece is not removed from the board, and when you want to move it, it won't budge. This piece is invisible and makes it so the game will end in 16 or less moves
The hole: When a piece lands in the hole it is removed from the game. You can't see the holes, and they can sometimes appear on your starting squares, which can lead to positions like this.
White loses on move 1.
The witch. Every time you move her seh will disintegrate the pieces who are on the squares beside her. She can't be captured.
Killer bunny
Moves one square horizontally.
When left alone it's harmless.
When attacked it will destroy all pieces around it, in which case it is mandatory to physically decapitate them and purchase a new set (sponsored by Staunton)
Knocker - it looks like a rook but every turn, it knocks all the pieces off the board and you forget where you were so you just have to start again.