The detective. Must find out, after the game, who mated the King. Pretty useless during the game.
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!
The Bollard. It looks a bit like a pawn and is placed somewhere on the board at the start, and simply stays there. It never moves, it can't be taken, it just sits there.
(There is also a variant, the Fire Hydrant, which is like a Bollard but yellow, and has a built in water-supply. It can't be used in Computer Chess because only Humans can recognise it)
The Wet Poop - it just sits on the board and immobilizes any piece that lands on it. Ever 3 moves, it expands to occupy on additional adjacent square on the board.
The sad suicidal: it is a piece that simply, at the beginning of the game, runs towards the edge of the chessboard and jumps off of it, despite the color, whose turn it is, etc.
the brick. piece placed randomly on any piece every 3 turns, if placed on top, they die in 2 turns from suffocation, kings are not safe
To make things even better, if the game exceeds 100 moves, then the third player controlling the King’s Wit can declare “Hoid,” making the King’s Wit able to move only every other turn, but also able to insult two pieces in one turn. If the King’s Wit has been declared as “Hoid,” then he becomes immortal and vanishes from the board just before being assassinated.
Anyone get the reference?
If the game exceeds 100 moves, the third player controlling the King’s Wit can declare “Hoid,” making the King’s Wit only able to move every other turn and also able to insult two pieces at once. The Hoid King’s Wit is immortal and vanishes from the board just before the assassins reach him.
Didn’t realize I’d hit the character limit with the last message 😂 Anybody get the reference?