
Love Bombing


It feels to me as if love bombs its users. Linked description:It feels to me like uses the "brilliancy" in awkward and inconsistent fashion in order to make users feel special. 
In the game review it gives you an estimated rating of how you played. But if your rated 300 and play a perfect game theoretically it might say you play like a 1200, which simply isn't true. You played like a GM. Conversely if a 1800 rated player played the exact same game, game review might tell them they played at a 2300 level. 

Along with other small achievements and fanfares around the site it feels like is lovebombing us so we only use their site. It also can be shown that has attempted and mostly succeeded in buying the rights to ownership of a lot of other chess sites. Such as chesspersonality test. 

As soon as buys something it feels like a cash grab, and they lower the actual quality of whatever the original site was. 

List examples if you have them. Contest this point as well. 

OscarTheGrouchsTrashCan wrote:

It feels to me as if love bombs its users. Linked description:It feels to me like uses the "brilliancy" in awkward and inconsistent fashion in order to make users feel special. 
In the game review it gives you an estimated rating of how you played. But if your rated 300 and play a perfect game theoretically it might say you play like a 1200, which simply isn't true. You played like a GM. Conversely if a 1800 rated player played the exact same game, game review might tell them they played at a 2300 level. 
Along with other small achievements and fanfares around the site it feels like is lovebombing us so we only use their site. It also can be shown that has attempted and mostly succeeded in buying the rights to ownership of a lot of other chess sites. Such as chesspersonality test. 
As soon as buys something it feels like a cash grab, and they lower the actual quality of whatever the original site was. 
List examples if you have them. Contest this point as well.

Brilliant moves have very specific conditions to be awarded. They are always moves that sacrifice material and have to be good or best and if you're completely winning, even without finding the move,it most likely won't be brilliant. The move classification is also influenced by rating, so a move that sacrifices material for a lower rated player can be considered brilliant but not for a higher rated player.

As. To other sites, they didn't purchase thr chess personality sure but built that on their own..


To play devil’s advocate, the positive reinforcement uses helps beginner and intermediate players stay motivated. Chess can be an intimidating game, and praise, even if a bit inflated, might prevent people from becoming discouraged and quitting.

Using terminology related to serious abuse to describe your experience is pretty cringe and gross