
Opponents pattern recently changed on


Until a few months ago, maybe half my randomly-chosen (subject to rating limit, game time etc) opponents were regulars. Since then, the vast majority are people I've never played, although they've usually been registered for years. I'm getting far more auto-abort games, and games aborted instantly by the opponent. There's also a shift in opening patterns - not a huge shift, but a strong move towards some lines eg many more C-K games, and Colle type systems. There are more odd pauses in openings, where the opponent spends 15-20 seconds on early book moves, although results are still mixed.

Anyone else noticed changes?


Maybe you too fall on poor sport category like them because they certainly abort and abandon many game. Maybe you too did before this experience

I am not sure about this one but it is surely getting difficult to beat 1800 30 min rapid player than it was two year ago.


The influx of opponents who registered years ago but haven’t played much until recently could be attributed to renewed interest in chess due to events like championship coverage or viral content.

ChessICUK wrote:

Until a few months ago, maybe half my randomly-chosen (subject to rating limit, game time etc) opponents were regulars. Since then, the vast majority are people I've never played, although they've usually been registered for years. I'm getting far more auto-abort games, and games aborted instantly by the opponent. There's also a shift in opening patterns - not a huge shift, but a strong move towards some lines eg many more C-K games, and Colle type systems. There are more odd pauses in openings, where the opponent spends 15-20 seconds on early book moves, although results are still mixed.

Anyone else noticed changes?

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