
solve puzzle

Someone please help me. I am an amateur and I’m currently reading chess fundamentals by Jose Capablanca. There is a position in which he stated that white can win by moving any of the pawn first. He gave the winning example for pawn f4 to f5 but not the others. I have been tryna solve the others for 5 days but can’t get it right. I am very frustrated. I have diamond subscription, and even the assistance keep leading me to a draw when the 2 other pawns move first. I am very stubborn and refuse to keep on reading because I wanna learn how to properly position my pieces on the board, and that’s getting me very angry.

Anyway here’s the position.
White: Kingd4, f4, g4, h4
Black: Kingd6, g7, h7
White has the first move

Again the book explained how to win with f5, so if anyone can teach me how to win by moving both other pawns I would very much appreciate it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASW HELP

can you show us on the board? I’m assuming this is the position


I’m assuming it’s something like above. The reason is because after f5 black cannot make good moves because for example if

1. f5 Ke7

Then you can move the king to e5 to keep opposition

2. Ke5 Kf7

You push g5 to advance your pawns closer to promoting

3. g5 Ke7

4. h5 Kf7

now you play g6+ to get the pawns off the board so you can have a remaining past pawn

5. g6+ hxg6

6. hxg6 Ke7

7. Ke4 Kf6

8. Kf4 Ke7

Now when we go back to e5 it’s black’s move not ours

9. Ke5

Now after any move we play f6 they take we take & win the game with an extra past pawn


oh wait I read it wrong lmao


Those are two continuations I saw with h5

That is a continuation with g5