
What got you into playing chess?

For me I learned chess In 2019 but didn’t play any games until the summer of 2021, My mom thought that I should learn a new game so she purchased a chess set and we played. In my summer school I decided to play but I basically never won so I left chess but then in 2023 my friend introduced me to so I played with him. I still have the game on my account, in fact. I lost and he tried to convince me to quit chess so I almost thought about quitting but decided not, I then managed to get a victory and continued playing until now.
I learned how the pieces move around 8 years old or so, but I didn’t get serious until I was around 22 and locked up for the first time. Not a lot to do in jail, and I ended up with a mentor. This is also how I learned to play dominoes and spades, as well.

In conclusion, do crimes and do time, kids. You’ll have no choice BUT to get invested in chess.

2, the forum lore deepens... what'd ya get arrested for


btw for me. my mom recommended it to me when I was like 12 and I got hooked. I've had a lot of hobbies that pass and go but this one stuck around it seems


I just randomly decided to do this as a hobby. Used to do it occasionally when I was younger but was never serious about getting good at it. I'm still not looking to be the best of the best, but to hopefully be better than I was a few years ago. Which I am. So now, the only way is up.

I watched my dad play on his phone when I was 4. I asked him if I could play, and he got out our old board and started teaching me how to move the pieces, but apparently I figured out how to move the pieces while watching him. (I have no memory of this happening, all I know is from my dad telling me.)