
Why does almost nobody accept rematch (rapid)?


I play rapid chess, every time I lose I ask opponent for a rematch to try to learn from my mistakes and maybe get some kind of revenge, but from my expereience I find it extremly rare that they accept it. 9 times of 10 they just run away instead. Any indeas why? If I defeat somebody and they ask me for a rematch, I almost feel obligated to accept it if Im not in a rush somewhere and really have to go, and if that is the case I explain to them in the chat.


its like the casino, get outta there while you're in the positive


As someone who often doesn’t accept rematch requests, it’s for a variety of different reasons: for example, you may have just faced someone of a much lower rating and therefore didn’t earn that many ELO. However, your opponent might have still managed to keep the game very even; the risk of a rematch is therefore higher than it’s reward.

Another reason may be that you just wanna ride the high of having won against a person and then playing again and losing might feel more crushing than having lost in the first place. So, it could be they’re afraid of their pride getting hurt.

Furthermore, a lot of people just like denying people the right to restitution. It may feel empowering to have won against someone and then never allowing them the satisfaction of getting a retry.

Lastly, you sometimes just don’t wanna have a reprise of the anxiety of what may have been a very even or dramatic game, so the invite assaulting you right as you’re breathing out may come off as too intimidating and they just deny it to save themselves the exertion.

Those are what I imagine to be the major reasons people don’t accept rematch invites (other than having moved on to a new game or leaving to do other things.)


I usually do not because I like to analyze my game as soon as it is done and while it is fresh in my mind. I like to visit the mistakes and dubious moves and what my best options were, and I do this for both mine and my opponents.

Mattiias94 wrote:

I play rapid chess, every time I lose I ask opponent for a rematch to try to learn from my mistakes and maybe get some kind of revenge, but from my expereience I find it extremly rare that they accept it. 9 times of 10 they just run away instead. Any indeas why? If I defeat somebody and they ask me for a rematch, I almost feel obligated to accept it if Im not in a rush somewhere and really have to go, and if that is the case I explain to them in the chat.

You're not obligated to accept. They aren't either. Funny, such topics keep spawning, you're not the first. By saying "they run away" you're trying to insult people. They might:
- have other things to do. Rapid isn't a quick game after all.
- find your style annoying
- just want to play with someone else
- just dislike the whole idea of rematching
- and yes, they could think you're underrated and they have put too much effort defeating you and risk isn't fair considering the points they would get

Many other possible reasons.


simply dont want to


"run away" is an overstatement. And is insulting.

There is sure an unknown % of opponents who actually could accept such a request, and will refuse it for various reasons, some of an art, some of an other. But it's their right, which you'll understand immediatly if you imagine receiving any sort of punishement or penalty for refusing a rematch offer...

But there is also that other unkown % of opponents who will miss or skip you rematch offer for various trivial, and non chess related reasons:

_ Already clicked on "next game" and am paired already. Ooops.

_ Too tired to play again immediatly.

_ Am dragged away from chess by other things or people, if phone calls, household demands, etc.

All of that any sane adult player is able to figure out. Why some do choose, like you, to insult the unknown and possibly the innocents, beats me. Such sin doesn't even bring you anything in compensation for the bad karma (or how you'd call it) you're fabricating for your life and future.

People are people, not anything like your toy.