
Why is Nh7 brilliant?



I'm in analysis mode of my game. Literally every move my knight can do leads to mate:

Nf3, Nh3 -> Mate in 3

Ne6, Nf7 -> Mate in 2

Nh7 -> also Mate in 2 but that's a brilliant move? 

Can someone understand the silicon overlord?



Brilliant Moves are always the best or nearly best move in the position, but they are also special in some way.

We replaced the old Brilliant algorithm with a simpler definition: a Brilliant move is when you find a good piece sacrifice.

There are additional conditions:

You should not be in a bad position after a Brilliant move

You should not be completely winning even if you hadn't found the move.

We are also more generous in defining a piece sacrifice for newer players compared to those who are higher-rated.


Well, for me, it doesn't make sense, only Nh7 is classified as a Brilliant move. In this position Ne6 and Nf7 should be also classified as Brilliant.

Well it “sacrifices” a piece as the king can take it and it leads to mate. The other do not sacrifice a piece so not brilliant
SuryaVS wrote:
Well it “sacrifices” a piece as the king can take it and it leads to mate. The other do not sacrifice a piece so not brilliant

I totally agree him a brilliant move leads to a a checkmate

justbefair wrote:

We are also more generous in defining a piece sacrifice for newer players compared to those who are higher-rated.

wait? what!? So you getting a brilliant move can depend on your rating?