
Move for resignation vs best move ???


Was wondering what my (white's) best move is in this situation? Black went kg7, queen takes rook. Taking the rook resulted in resignation, but the analysis called the move a mistake. I'm not too wrapped up in what the engine considers a mistake - I'm just starting out and I want to improve. Did I miss mate in 2 after kg7 or something like that? I've puzzled over it, but checking the king again just seems to force kh8, and then the rook blocks forever. Thanks in advance!

I’m not sure either best guess is that after Kg7 is Qe7+. If knight blocks by Nf7, then Bc4 and you are threatening to take the knight with check and then the rook on g8. Black then plays Rf8 and then you play Bxf7 then black plays Rxf7 and then you play Qxa3.
  • 1.Qe5+ driving the king towards the center .....Kf7
  • 2.Bc4+ Kf8
  • 3.Qf6+ Ke8 Then 4.B5#
  • 3.......... Nf7 Then Qxf7#


  • 1.Qe5+ Kf8
  • 2.Qf6+ Nf7 ( If Ke7 then Bb5# )
  • 3.Rad1 (or) Rfd1 Ke8 ( if black plays anything else Rd8# )
  • 4.Bb5+ Kf8
  • 5.Rd8# ............................. This is what I see

I agree with Queen e5 but you should Not try to Play after engine If you know how to finish the Game regardless


How does one try to play after an engine, if one knows how to finish the game?


It's pointless to look for the best move here. Taking the rook is more than fine.

Qe5+ or Qd4+ is mate in 5. Qxa3 is plus a billion. It doesn't matter much, a win is a win.

I also think that the "Game review" is talking nonsense again. It's simply bad programming to call a simply winning move a "mistake". Game review is awful. Again.

magipi wrote:

It's pointless to look for the best move here. Taking the rook is more than fine.

Qe5+ or Qd4+ is mate in 5. Qxa3 is plus a billion. It doesn't matter much, a win is a win.

I also think that the "Game review" is talking nonsense again. It's simply bad programming to call a simply winning move a "mistake". Game review is awful. Again.

Yeah I'm beginning to see that. This is from last night. Like, uh sir, I won a rook through a fork now, which is better than an eventual rook from some other fork in the murky future, if my opponent plays perfect chess