Someone please help me with endgames. I suck
AR I just added three youtubes in post #79 - including picture with play button.
Ipatov is pretty good at these.
I deleted my post about decoy/deflection and Remove the Defender and 'gain a tempo' could talk about those later.
Generally the most common way to convert to a winning position is to introduce complications and hope the opponent falters. I've won a number of endgames that way. The downside is that sometimes those complications can bite you and make you the one trying desperately to draw.
I'm posting an improvement to 'bishops of the same color'
and this one is both more instructive and with less 'mistakes' in it. also has a beautiful 'study' in it.
but its still not the most basic. Where the idea is that the defending King isn't nearby and the basics of how the attacking bishop overcomes the defending bishop even though the defending bishop has two fairly long diagonals to work with.
Thank you, i watched some of the other videos you posted too
AR you're welcome!
I'm posting these basics because I think once you grasp them - they becomes 'your's' forever - rather than having to memorize a lot of material.
I find that endgames can be a great opportunity to get some forks, pins, and skewers, especially with a queen.
The video in #89 is good because it explains as to if black has the move he can draw.
But its still too particular.
Because that initial position is just one of thousands of such positions.
It presents the position almost as if it was like rook and bishop versus rook with no pawns for either side - which is Difficult and might Never happen in your games.
That's why I want to find one with the defending King away from the action.
So that its much Easier!
To surmount this (I'm sure there are youtubes on it but they're not immediately findable) so I'm making my own diagram.
I'll make it white to move - even though white wins anyway.
And the black King could be in a zillion places and its still white winning this.
White plays Bc7.
Black has to play Bg5 otherwise he loses immediately.
White then goes Bd6.
Black has to stay on the diagonal so try Bh4.
Now white plays Be7.
The game is over.
See what's happened?
White's bishop went d8-c7-d6-e7 ...
He made a Diamond Dance around his pawn and the black bishop although having two nice diagonals to work with - is now helpless. The pawn is Queening.
White never had to sac his bishop either or offer it.
So this position illustrates better how you win ....
Diamonds are Forever.