2 questions
The game went fairly normally until the following situation:
White to move, Black king on a8, White king on b5, White knights on c5 and d7, and White pawn on f6. From this position, the pawn moves to f7 and Black makes the only legal move, Ka7. Now f8=Q or f8=R is stalemate, so I chose f8=N and won. I would assume that f8=B would win as well, but I wanted to try to do a 3-knight mate.
True...but under normal circimstances, it's practically impossible to checkmate with 2 knights. White has to -try- to get themselves checkmated for it to succed, and even then I think both players would probably struggle to get it to work...
I can't find these endgames addressed anywhere, so let's see what everyone can tell me.
1. Queen vs. Queen I assume is a draw, am I wrong?
2. King and 3 Knights vs. King I caused a checkmate with my 3 knights but I think my opponent blundered. How should this endgame be played and what is the normal outcome?