
A mistake in rooks endgame (from my practice, both ratings >2000)


After a long time, I decided to publish something from my games here! I look at the Kramnik-Anand game at the some time. Smile

Somebody said "All rooks endgames are drawn". However - they are difficult too and you need to be cautious. In the next game, I was lucky for my oponent made a mistake when I was prepared for a draw.In the diagram, white just played her 38th move cxb3.


rook games are not always draw


Naravno da nisu, Nebojša, to se samo tako kaže. Laughing Ali često jesu. Ne sjećam se tko je autor izreke.

Of course not, it's only a proverb! Laughing But often they are. I don't remember who the author of the proverb is.


The quoted "All rooks endgames are drawn," is from Siegbert Tarrasch. Some, without finding a citation, believe it to be a humorous statement more likely to have been made by Savielly Tartakower. Tartakower did originate many chess sayings, but also repeated older ones. In any case, it appears to be a deliberately made and overstated case for the difficulty of winning many rook endgames. There are many such endings that the stronger side should not win, especially if the weaker side has an active rook.


thanks for the post: I always think R-endgames are one of the most interesting part of chess.


hey lol this was like what 1 or 2 days ago?

i was watching this live lol

observe ftw ! lol good game it was a nice game to watch lol

