
An interesting queens endgame


The nxt possition apeared in the game Leman vs LydiaBlonde after 23th white move (it was 23. Qd3-e4).














Black is faced with a crucial decision:  which kind of endgame to play? I studied the position carefully - about two hours at all. Posibilites and conclusions:

  1. As the first, a pawn endgame after 23... Qxe4 24. fe4 is lost. White can play Kb1-c2-d3 and then c3-c4 and d4-d5 od e4-e5 and the white king will penetrade inside black pawns.
  2. An attempt to exchange queesn with 23... Kf8 24. Qxe8 Kxe8 sound better. White is better for his king will enter into the centre, but probably it is a draw. However, White can play 24. f4 with a better position.
  3. The white queen is at the dominant possition in the centre. It can attack on king's as like as on queen's side.  If black play Qf8, Qe8 or Qe7, White can play 24. Qe5 and need to win.

 So, what to do?














And now, about the position after g4-g5!?


if in the bottom board instead of moving Ka1 isnt c1 better as in doesnt block the file for the pawn and yet the white queen has to keep on the a1 square so as the pawn may not it not therefore a draw if played correctly?
@Skeptikill: Z.... Kc1 8. Qc7+ Kb2 9. Qb6+ Kc1 10. Qc5+ Kb2 11. Qb4+ Kc2 12. Qa3 Kb1 13. Qb3+ and Ka1 is now forced and all is the same It is a basic endgame.
oh ya ok.fair enough.silly me.i saw that but didnt really think it out at the end.i blame my exams.
I nave no experiences with chess program. If somebody have fritz or other program, please test a position after 23. Qd3-e4. I am interested to see what program can say about solutions for black. Tongue out
Very interesting alternatives.  Thank you.