B+2P vs 2P - draw or win?
The extra Bishop wins you opposition 100% of the time. Only time the extra Bishop doesn't win is when stalemate cages are created, like the following case:
This is a draw no matter who is to move. You cannot get Black out of the corner. He will toggle Kh8-g8-h8-g8 until you cover g8 with the Bishop or King and stalemate Black, or go 50 moves.
This position is indeed a draw, but if you put the bishop on a dark square white wins, as he can sac the bishop and win the pawn ending.
Sure about that? That particular position looks drawn even if you put the bishop on a dark square.
you are actually right!. The tablebase says it is a draw. I guess if you sac it is a drawn pawn ending
Why the wrong bishop? you had two pawns ,the bishop cant wrong