Those types aren't valid for this thread. No weird chess variants, just standard underpromotion problems. I'm also wondering if puzzles involving a normal promotion to a queen in addition to underpromotions, should be disqualified as well? Should this be a strict Underpromotion Only thread??
Best UnderPromotion Endgame Compilation
Those types aren't valid for this thread. No weird chess variants, just standard underpromotion problems. They're still problems, but okay. I'm also wondering if puzzles involving a normal promotion to a queen in addition to underpromotions, should be disqualified as well? Should this be a strict Underpromotion Only thread?? So long as there's an underpromotion, I don't see a problem (e.g. Allumwandlungs)
I have another one here, sticking with the theme of course (underpromotion(s) is/are the only way to victory or draw) White to move and mate in 13:
#396 but whether the promotion is to a knight or bishop doesn't matter in that position, the one I made a knight would get trapped in the corner so a bishop was the only solution!
Here is a mate in 15 that requires 3 underpromotions to get the mate in 15 but only the first 2 of them are required to just merely win:
OMG I was looking for one like that! Remember I asked if any puzzle existed that involved 2 bishop promotions to opposite colored bishops? This is what I was talking about! Congratulations, this will now replace one of my choices for my favorite five! Actually I think I will extend my favorite five to a top ten instead, since we are now over 40 puzzles and there are other multi-undepromotions that need to be included. Namely this one, a 5 bishop promotion puzzle I posted earlier (but all on the same sqaure so same colors unlike this one), and a couple of different piece underpromotions people added. And actually I just analyzed it with stockfish, the first four bishop promotions are necessary to win. What a puzzle!
Here's a double underpromotion which are required to save the game in this White to play and Draw study:
Nice! Another opposite-color bishop promotion puzzle with another different underpromotion added in as well! This and that last one you posted with 3 bishop promotions will definitely be in my top ten!
Just wanted to pop in and say that this puzzle confused stockfish so much. It kept flipping back and forth between so many moves in the analysis! I also love how not only is it multiple underpromotions to opposite colored bishops, the multiple rook underpromotions immediately after makes this one if the best ones ever! Multiple underpromotions to multiple different pieces!
A fun selfmate/helpmate in 7.