
Can chessable add this endgame? (Satire)


Black to move. Who wins here?

I was not able to find this endgame on any courses offers, so I have lost this endgame. D:


Black's best move is obviously Ke6, after which you play dxe6 (called the backwards pawn cursed checkmate). If they play any other move, they will be humiliated by anyone who saw that game, for every other move is a horrendous -3000 elo move, and they live their life in pain and agony.

ChessForker50 wrote:

Black's best move is obviously Ke6, after which you play dxe6 (called the backwards pawn cursed checkmate). If they play any other move, they will be humiliated by anyone who saw that game, for every other move is a horrendous -3000 elo move, and they live their life in pain and agony.

n o p e .

Black's best move is Kxd3 Θg2, not only doing the *levi screams* KING SACRIFICE!!! but also strategically placing the duck on the King, consequently crushing him into a pulp. White's best move would then be to go Mf3+ to distract the King - ignoring the king sacrifice, though to no avail; as extreme emotional damage has been dealt to White. ;D


Guys im pretty sure you can't move the king into check

mitchellss30 wrote:

Guys im pretty sure you can't move the king into check

Guys I'm pretty sure this is a meme topic