Fotoman, there's a flaw in that plan. What if, 6.Ra7+?
Black's king is very confined. He can't step on the a2-g8 diagonal due to Bc3+, he can't step on the a1-h8 diagonal due to h7, he can't step on the c-file due to Rxa2. That really only leaves a small corridor... d6, d7, d8, e7, e8, and f8. So White's rook can get away with perpetual checks from a6, a7, and a8... draw.
I like blacks chances, I think white would lose most of the time. I think that the king might get out look
at this
neneko> tricky endgame situation, I love it! I wasn't sure about 2. Rd4 but 2. Ra7 looks even worse
Yeah. I would love to encounter an ending like this over the board. :)