
Do You Know How To Checkmate With Bishop And Knight?


Of Course!

KahZeeMin wrote:

Yet another one: I know how. I learnt it on computer. I never needed it in actual game.

Sometimes, It to become reality in actual game. You should learn more how make a checkmate position as following formations :
K-B-B vs K
K-R-N vs K-N
K-Triple Pawns vs K
etc. Cool


I only recently learned the Delatang's triangles method. Easy when you know how. On the other hand the faster W method eludes me. But I got mate in 29 with triangles method so that is within the 50 move rule. I'll take that. Interesting that chess engines without table bases cannot calculate this mate until near the end of the procedure.

skakmadurinn wrote:

I know how! I think.. But I have never ever got the position K B N vs K before in otb chess or internet chess! And I have played chess in five years! Have you needed to know how to checkmate with bishop and knight in a chess game?


Yes-0 - No-1

Yes.  Knowing the corralling endgame mating net technique is part of your 4 visualization pattern memory banks.   As you acquire the memory banks, what will start happening to you is:  when you are analyzing any position if there is a mating net in the position it will seem jump up off the board and smack you on the forehead in a flash!

This is an excellent video of the K+B+N vs. K forced mate:



If it is a mate in 4, or so, I can solve it. But not from a random starting point.


Because a draw is better than a win?


What is this, this topic is almost 1 year old..


Yeah I can, but only because endgames is the part of chess I find most interesting :P

steve_bute wrote:

It is important to remember that, if the bishop is opposite colour to the knight, then checkmate is not possible.

Huh? Knights switch colors every time they move. What does this even mean?


It doesn't come up often, in fact I've only had three opportunities to do it. The first time I made one mistake and lost my chance, the second time my opponent had a rook on the board that I could've won with a knight fork but didn't, and the third time I finally pulled it off. But I never would've managed it if I hadn't practiced a lot.


No its not even possible but 3 or 4 horseys can certainly kill the kingy


Sometimes if I'd be happy with a draw I intentionally try to get the opponent down to bishop+knight, which has the hilarious outcome that they should win but I am 100% certain they won't be able to and it'll be a draw, even with increment.

Unfortunately for this strategy though is that it's still really rather rare for it to ever come up and trying to engineer a situation for it to happen when there's still a few pawns around is generally just a waste of thinking and a distraction that could compromise your game. Still funny when you can do it though, especially if it's sacrificing a piece or something.

Uhohspaghettio1 wrote:

Sometimes if I'd be happy with a draw I intentionally try to get the opponent down to bishop+knight, which has the hilarious outcome that they should win but I am 100% certain they won't be able to and it'll be a draw, even with increment.

Unfortunately for this strategy though is that it's still really rather rare for it to ever come up and trying to engineer a situation for it to happen when there's still a few pawns around is generally just a waste of thinking and a distraction that could compromise your game. Still funny when you can do it though, especially if it's sacrificing a piece or something.

Usually the way I've seen it come up is you have a bishop knight and pawn vs. a bishop, and you force your opponent to sac their bishop for the pawn.


Never studied it & it never came up in a game.

Never studied KBB vs K & it did come up once and I figured it out. If KBN vs K comes up I'll give it a try over the board. I'll not cry if it ends up a draw and study it then.




Today was a good day, I successfully learned this checkmate and completed the challenge for the first time. Hopefully it will help me with herding a king in an endgame and completing the mate if needed.

Too hard. But it's so cool
SwimmerBill wrote:

Never studied it & it never came up in a game.

Never studied KBB vs K & it did come up once and I figured it out. If KBN vs K comes up I'll give it a try over the board. I'll not cry if it ends up a draw and study it then.

Hope this is a joke.

There are grandmasters who've failed it in classical games. You're not getting it.