
Does anyone know what 2 pawns statistically promotes the most?

AtaChess68 wrote:

What about promotion to other pieces?



"What about promotion to other pieces?"
++ Extremely rare. To N is rare. To R or B to avoid stalemate is even more rare.

AtaChess68 wrote:

No, it’s not ‘of games with a pawn promotion’.
I searched for pawns promoting to a queen on a8 (a8=Q). The result is 39.400. Then for b8=Q and so on. In total I found 225.600 white promotions on all the files. The 17.5% is the percentage white promotions on the a file compared to the total white promotions.
This doesn’t answer OP’s question completely. (It’s only about promotions to a queen; games resigned just before promotion are not taken in consideration. And if we would think more I am sure we would find more flaws). But the stats do give an indication I think.

It would probably have been better to search only for a8 or axb8 for example (or bxa8 depending on what question OP is trying to ask). The problem is you don't know if a pawn promoting on a file originated on the same file.

The other problem is that the stats don't mean much with no reference to what body of games is the sample space (but by the same token, neither does the question).


Thank You!, Atachess68