Confusions about states.
Just as an opening statement - because that is not the subject of this post - I repeat the rather obvious statements on delivery of checkmate and of any game state:
- The player delivers the checkmate (by law)
- the checkmating move delivers the checkmate as well (by law)
- When the checkmating move is a king's move - or counts as such through castling (in the laws) - then obviously the king delivers the checkmate. This is not literally in the law but if you deny this simple logical derivation you would also have to deny that a "bishop" captures a "queen" and only allow "the bishop's move captures the queen" and "the player captures the queen". Which, everyone will admit, is completely insane. From a logical perspective, the comparison is a 100% match.
The question though is not "how does (state) delivery work" but "how can somebody get totally confused about it?" The answer is already slightly visible in the above examples. Clearly the bishop knocks the queen off the board and upon delivery the queen is gone - in the NOW. But not the checkmated king as there is clearly some analysis to do to see it is in check and it cannot escape. That's the post-checkmate-analysis and the delusion is that it has something to do with the delivery of the checkmate.
That is an example, but the rules imply post-state-analyses on several places. The most dramatic ones are the dead positions (no checkmate is possible in any future) and the one-sided dead positions (after a player timing out). To know whether or not the position is a dictated draw you will need to play every possible line to find a possible checkmate. Only - you can't play them in the game you must play them in analysis. Which is the same as for checkmate and stalemate. Part of this analysis is looking at "squares under attack" but keep in mind that these only exist by virtue of applying the move rules to a piece at a point where the game has already ended! So it is virtual move-analysis, not legal play. And there are other moves which might shield the king unless they are pinned. And there is even the possibility to escape with an e.p. move which needs to be assessed. All require analysis without possible game play. The name for such states in computer science is "Look-ahead states".
Note that not all terminations are look-ahead states. The 3/5 repetition- and 50/75-move rules are "look-back states". They may require an inspection of the game record but one need not analyze moves into an unknown future.
Where does this lead to? Not to changing anything about the "delivery" of states which will always be the last move. But to point out that the pieces which feature in the post-state-analysis have a function to determine which state exist but - as play is over - cannot be attributed with any sort of delivery of that state - unless they played that role in the last move! That's it!
The attacking piece is the checking piece, by definition. Check is different from checkmate. Checkmate is a whole position. It's only logical that the piece that causes checkmate is the piece that checkmates.
verb (used with object),check·mat·ed, check·mat·ing.
Chess. to maneuver (an opponent's king) into a check from which it cannot escape; mate.
The piece that moves maneuvers the opponent's king into a check from which it cannot escape. In case you're wondering, maneuver means to manipulate. In other words, which piece manipulates the king into an inescapable check?
The pawn, of course. The bishop checks, but the pawn manipulates the king into an inescapable check because its movement caused an inescapable check. Therefore, the pawn checkmated.
Did you not understand the question?
I do agree that the piece that causes checkmate is the piece that checkmates. The speeding car that causes the collision is the car that collides. Not the slow car that gets out of the way.
Yes, the speeding car that collides is the equivalent of checking. Suppose a blue car is in front, a yellow car behind the blue car, and a purple car behind the yellow car. The yellow car moved out of the way. The purple car hit the blue car - checked. The yellow car's action of getting out of the way - the movement of the piece in our examples - caused the blue car to be hit - checkmated. If the yellow car hadn't moved out of the way, it would be hit by the purple car - a piece not checking the king because of a piece in its way. It's as simple as that.
Do you think that opinion would hold any weight in a court of law?
Do you think even an insurance company would hold the driver of the yellow car responsible? If the yellow car "caused" the collision by getting out of the way that would open a whole new arena of litigation in the US. In fact, I'll bet it's been tried.
I do agree that if the yellow car didn't get out of the way, it's likely the collision would not have happened. But that's not relevant to the action of the purple car colliding with the blue car. A court of law, a jury, insurance adjusters, etc. would never claim the driver of the yellow car causes the collision, would they? They wouldn't, and they don't, because it's unrelated to the acts of the blue car and purple car.
The reasons are pretty obvious. The yellow car is in no way obligated to remain a barrier between the two other cars. The driver could move out of the way for a hundred different reasons, none having anything to do with the act of the following purple car subsequently colliding with the blue car. Maybe he wanted to avoid a squirrel. Maybe he needed to make a right turn soon. Maybe he felt the purple car owner was driving too fast.
The yellow car moving out of the way allows the act of a collision to occur. Just as the bishop moving out of the way allows the act of check (or checkmate) to occur. Allowing is not cause.
Not in real life, but in chess, as any attack on the king is considered check, even if you "dont intend to capture the king on the next move". There is no "allowing" a check, the piece that moves causes check.
the pawn's movement causes check, it doesn't allow it, as every attack on a king is check.