Study Capablanca! ...;)
How do you study endgames?
ChessTrainor wrote:
First you must Know all Mating Patterns.See my topic" Different mates".It tells all mating patterns.Book reference:"The art of the Checkmate" by Renaud and Kahn.if you have seen all mating patterns,then you will have an eye for it in actual endgame and utilize it as your leverage.By threatening your opponent with mate then you have Tempo! and Control of the game.And there is a small exercise book by Pandolfini,set -up for endgames,a thick booklet.My current rating now is,1700 + ChessTrainor.
Hi ChessTrainor,
Do you know K+2B vs. K+N, no pawns? Is it a draw?
I'm reading "Winning Chess Endings" By Yasser Seiarawan and learning a great deal from it: but it doesn't have a tonne in the way of hands-on practice. I need to apply what I know to really learn it. My rating is about 1600 right now and about half my games end in "reasonable" endgames, the other half end when when one side is up a piece or more and the game is basically over. One way to go would be to find master games with interesting endgames and analyze those, or are there puzzle collections that are specifically focused on endgames?