What rating are you on now
I am trying to get to 2000 rating before 2024 ends, what books or things can I do to improve?
Read my posts in this thread:
GM Larry Evans' method of static analysis - Chess Forums - Chess.com
... specifically posts 4, 7-10, especially 12 and play over the three annotated example games given in the first two or three pages of the thread.
Then read "Pawn Power in Chess" by Hans Kmoch.
"I am trying to get to 2000 rating before 2024 ends" ++ OK
"what books or things can I do to improve?"
++ Always check your intended move is no blunder before you play it.
Use all the time the time control allows.
Play with increment, preferably 15|10 rapid.
Whenever you lose a game, analyse it thoroughly so as to learn from your mistakes.
Study annotated grandmaster games.
Study endgames.
Same here....
The fastest way is with a good trainer (they start at about 20 USD/hour +)
I bought Yusupov's books and Mastering Positional chess. I haven't looked into the other one to much so I'm sticking with Yusupov. I'd say it is rather good, only sometimes as the positions didn't go through computer analysis, you can find another winning move or different not worse continuation that he deosn't account for (happened to me twice already).
Otherwise puzzles work really well I think form - both puzzle storm/rush and normal ones as well. I even got this as a recommendation from a really good trainer I used a few times.
You also have to (or somebody else) find out and work specificaly on your weaknesses. Analyze every game (that makes sense) and work on what you did wrong. And be on par with others or not to much worse in the openings. If you struggle against any oppening to hard you should invest time to find a line that you'll like and will improve your play.
Good luck
i reccomend the french and kings indian as black
thank you, but I already have an opening repertoire 😅 which is caro kann against e4, old Benoni/benko gambit against d4, dutch defense against Nf3, and Vienna gambit as white against e4 e5.
I am trying to get to 2000 rating before 2024 ends, what books or things can I do to improve?