Is it a win for white, or is it a draw? If it's a win for white, what's white's best move to win?
Famous endgame study though it actually starts a few moves earlier! A while ago some composer made a better version (IMO) of the same idea. I'll post it if I refind it!
I'm imagining if 1. Qg5 works. The White queen seems lost, but then after 1...Qxg5+ 2. Ka6, Black has zero useful checks, so Black plays 2...Bxa7 and then 3. c7, but I haven't looked further.
To win we have to move our king, slowly, to a place where they cannot check us
Like for example, how do you do it
Yeah I guess 1.Qg5 works. 1.Qg5 Qg5 2.Ka6 Ba7 3.c7 anything black does, White will play c8Q# or b7#. Black cant save both. If Black tries 3... Qa5 4.Ka5 Bb6 5.Kb6 +- and c8Q is unstopable or even if 3...Qa5 4.Ka5 Kb7 5.ba7 +-
Nice try but you're in check.
Oh yeah sry. Maybe instead sac the queen with Qg5 because Qxg5 then Ka6 and we cant be checked so pawn b7 checkmate?
I have a terrible cold HAPTCHI....Mitrofanov! Sorry I sneezed...
"1967 prize winning puzzle"