
Is queen vs pawn + knight winning or losing?


Im playing a game with a queen vs a pawn and a knight, should I win or should I resign? (I dont want any tips on how to play it since its a current game)


Telling you whether it's winning or losing is a tip on how to play... Ask after the game.


Ok, I won the game, was that a given or should he have won?


Well, he could never win, you could always sac your queen for the pawn. I am not sure if it is possible to build a fortress with the King, Knight and pawn to keep a queen out, maybe one of the better players can answer that, I'd be interested to know too


I took a look at the game to see the position. I myself wouldn't resign at all, but I don't know what is the technique either, all I can say is that if you are going to put your queen on the same square color as your king, check for a fork first. It seems to me that queen can outplay knight and a pawn if you get the king closer like you did. Very nice zugzwang at the end.


It may depend on how far advanced the pawn is, but I'd think that if if it wasn't too close to promotion and you avoided the Knight forks you should be able to separate the Knight and Pawn and between those two pieces and your opponent's King set up a pin, fork or skewer with your Queen for the win.


I think White should have aimed for this setup: P at b4, N at c5. and the King moving between a4, b3, c4 and c3. I'm not sure the Black King can approach close enough without being driven off by a check, after which he just returns the Knight to c5.


It's pretty much always a win except for problem positions where the pawn is very close to queening. Even when this is the case, the queen can often outflank the knight and pawn, often by forcing the king in front of the pawn or pinning the pawn, and then bringing the king in.

It's some tricky technique though, and zugzwang often comes into it.


it depends on your opponent..!


idk. your posts r kinda weird.

kunduk wrote:

it depends on your opponent..!

I think that the question assumes best play from both sides. 


If the pawn is on the 7th rank, and gaurded by the king, there may be a possiblity of a draw, especialy if the pawn is on the files: a, h, c, or f and the opponents king is far away. The problem is these rules are based off of Q+K vs. P+K. I'm not sure how the extra knight will effect the outcome, it will give the the defending king a way to avoid zugzwang, which could be good or bad, I'm not sure. This is an interesting topic. I would like to see the game. Now that you're done with the game you can plug the end into a nalimov endgame tablebase to see the theoryetical outcome.


If you want to see the truth about engame positions, Eli is right, you can see the nalimov tables. Here's another website:

nalimov tables are pre-calculated ending situations. Some Chess software include nalimov tables (chessdb, fritz, etc) optionnaly. You can buy them or even compute them (several days for 6 pieces endings: i.e. KRRKQP  KingRookRook vs. KingQueenPawn ). Installing nalimov tables in your software improves middle game and not only finals. Serious players should be interested with this.


& depends on the position.. where is the game?

MatthewKuai wrote in post#17:

Do you specialize in blundering?

Arisktotle wrote:
MatthewKuai wrote in post#17:

Do you specialize in blundering?

I love that the guy's lines make no sense. Misses mate-in-1 in the first one. for example (move 8), and instead tries to force the black king to the other corner for no reason.

But I agree, position number 3 takes the crown.

