Unless there's something going on which forces something in the next move or two, yes, it's a draw. An example where it isn't a draw: White has a King on g6 and a Rook on b2, Black has a King on g8 and a Rook on h8. Black is toast even if it is his move. Try to figure out why without setting up a board. Another one to try without setting up the board: White King on e2, White Rook on a2; Black King on c7, Black Rook on g7. Whoever has the move wins. Without something like that, it's a draw.
Is rook & king v. rook & king always a draw?
Thanks for answering my question, although I'm afraid I did have to set up the board in order to see what you meant. I wouldn't be too good at blind chess. Many thanks for your help.
1st one.. forced mate, black has to lose the rook to stop mate
2nd one.. a skewer...
I am sure if anyone can easily imagine a position with 4 pieces, but just gotta try a bit hard
duskrevival, you forgot something- the skewer has to actually work- the king must not be able to support the rook.
wow, thats a very nice example, promoting to a rook to avoide stalemate and white wins by forcing a mate :D
That is simply beautiful so startling in its final crunch, and the underpromotion is magnificent.
There is a very famous example of winning a rook vs. rook ending, from a study:
5...Rf3 delays the inevitable by an extra 11 moves, so I don't think 5...Rd4 deserves a!.
I think the point is that Rd4 sets a trap that forces white to play very carefully to win, while Rf3 leaves black in a (theoretically) lost queen versus rook endgame.
the problem with a q v. r in this case is that black's king is vulnerable to attack and the rook is nowhere close to defend.
Not necessarily: in bullet games, when both players have little time left, people can flag each other and even win a rook sometimes after an unfortunate pre-move!
Not really,because there is a 50 50 percent chance your opponent can make a blunder saw on #15 black's last move was a complete blunder which resulted to a8#.
referring to post #15, if 9... Rg7+, the white rook is gone.
This position arose when I was playing a friend. Black wins. (I was black, but I completely missed this and played Rh1+ instead and just traded rooks into a draw.)
There are stupid moves one can make and lose. I think I read in one endgame book that if you are in a K+R vs K+R endgame and your opponent won't accept a draw because you are short on time, just keep making quick moves that keep your K in the center of the board without allowing your R to get skewered. I can't speak for FIDE, but as a former USCF TD, I know most, perhaps all, USCF Tournament Directors will agree to declaring a draw if the side short on clock time requests it before the clock runs out, due to "insuffiient winning chances" - especially when they see you're keeping your king in the middle of the board.
It seems to me that there is no way for either side to get a win if each side has just a king and one rook. Am I correct, or is there a way?