I think 20...exd4 is obviously the best move.
After 20...cxd4, White's two pawns on d4 and e5 completely hold back Black's four pawns on d4, d6, e5, and e6.
Also after 20...cxd4, White gets massive counterplay immediately by 21.Rc7.
I'd look into one of two winning tries around move 40: 40...Rb4, 41...a4, 42...b5, 43...Rb3, 44...a3, 45...b4, etc., but that is cumbersome and White's king may pose problems, though it's worth analyzing; or 40...Rc2, 41...Rc6, with the idea of bringing the king to the queenside to escort the a and b pawns.
I just finished this game in live chess, but we were playing quickly, so the moves are not very accurate. Could you take a look at the endgame and suggest better moves?