
Strange Material Balances?

arceus2010 wrote:

Nice to see some games being posted around. But here is a challenge: Find the longest endgame with 7 pieces or less where one side can actively win!

How about this?

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

My guess is he was counting kings.

But aren't you only allowed to have 2 of those?


@ macer75


you know in that position white has a mate in 6, right?

heres the moves


1. Qe3+(1... Kf5 2. Ke2+ Kg4 3. Qg1+ Kh44. Qh2+ Kg4 5. Qag1+ Kf5 6. Qf4#)1... Kf7(1... Kd6 2. Qb4+ Kc6 3. Qxe8+ Qxe84. Qa6+ Kd7 5. Qbd6#)(1... Kd5 2. Qb7+ Qc6 3. Qe4+ Kc54. Qexc6#)(1... Qe5 2. Qexe5+ Kd7 3. Qa4+ Kd84. Qbb8#)(1... Kd7 2. Qb7+ Kd6 3. Qa3#)2. Qf1+ Kg6(2... Qf6 3. Qaxf6#)3. Qg2+ Kh7(3... Kf7 4. Qaa2+ Kf6 5. Qaf2#)(3... Kf5 4. Qaf1#)(3... Kh5 4. Qeh3#)4. Qah1+ Qh5(4... Qh6 5. Qexh6#)5. Qxh5+ Qh6 6. Qexh6#


Rook and Pawn vs Both Are Untakable Bishop and Pawn Fortress (you might have a guess what that is happy.png. The same imbalance happened in a master game, and believe me about this, it was a hard win for the rook and pawn. In fact, the Master with the Bishop and Pawn resigned in a position in which I never would have resigned and I think I could have made a draw.

arceus2010 wrote:

Nice to see some games being posted around. But here is a challenge: Find the longest endgame with 7 pieces or less where one side can actively win!

Queen and knight always beat rook bishop and knight, but mating takes up to 545 moves.

thegreatchessplayerrzz wrote:
arceus2010 wrote:

Nice to see some games being posted around. But here is a challenge: Find the longest endgame with 7 pieces or less where one side can actively win!

Queen and knight always beat rook bishop and knight, but mating takes up to 545 moves.

And it is the longest 7-piece endgame! What mathematicians can do today!

arceus2010 wrote:

Rook and Pawn vs Both Are Untakable Bishop and Pawn Fortress (you might have a guess what that is . The same imbalance happened in a master game, and believe me about this, it was a hard win for the rook and pawn. In fact, the Master with the Bishop and Pawn resigned in a position in which I never would have resigned and I think I could have made a draw.
This is not a draw. Cut the defending king off, attack the bishop and/or pawn with your king, and sacrifice the rook. If black's king was defending the pawn and bishop, then this position would be a draw. If the king is far away cut it off and sacrifice the rook.


A real tournament game where an underpromotion to a knight resulting in a 3 Knights vs 1 knight endgame occurred!

