
Sweetest Taboos in the Realm of Chess...


... in 2 words: 

1. Fortress 

2. Underpromo

 (… since I believe ”Hello Chess-lovers” is already coined)… so…

 Howdy Chessëos… 

I have ‘N interestIng puzzlE I want yOu to C. (I hope that isn’t coinegrin.png If you R that clever to wonder where the secret D is  look no further than the grin)

 White to move and win 

Do not ignore this 1, the chessly-reward is just to big to miss.


There are probably a few things to say about this one but the first one that came to mind was: Is this a co-production with Sade?


As always, nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of the hawk. NO---THING... wink.png 


Now what... 1.Qc8+ or 1. Qc5+? meh.png


Or 1.Qb2?meh.png

Illbtu wrote:

Now what... 1.Qc8+ or 1. Qc5+?

Precisely! Appears ambiguous but I didn't study it yet.


When the cue word is “STUDY”, as a chess enthusiast I want you to take your time and solve this sweet thing. Satisfaction’s guarantied!  surprise.png  tongue.png  wink.png


Both Qc8+ and Qc5+ seem to win. If black tries to hide the king behind the pawns, white plays Qxa5 and wins (knight promotion). Otherwise white goes for either Qf1+, Qe1+ or Qd1+ followed by bxa5.

Numquam wrote:

Both Qc8+ and Qc5+ seem to win. 

Qc8+ is leading to the first Sweet Taboo "1.Fortress".

Qc8+ is leading to the second 1 , as you wisely have mentioned. (Knight 2.Underpromo)

I am very interested if you could somehow, in some magical fashion, conjure up an irrefutable winning sequence based on (Qc8+) move. because as I am seeing it Qc8+ leads to a draw as the black king find his way to e6 and white ,in the end, finds himself bugged down inside an impregnable fortress. Please prove me wrong. I love to learn seeing from a new horizon. tongue.pnghappy.png


I must admit I can't see a fortress after Qc8+ and I am not sure what position you refer to. Can you give an example of that "fortress draw"? It appears you must give up the rook before getting there and that makes the survival chances small.


Ah, I got the idea from your messages now! Didn't realize black could have a fortress after white eliminates the bishop plus Pg3. But it clearly is! That's all very clever and shows why Qc5+ is better than Qc8+ (though there is still a transfer to the Qc5+ line which is irrelevant because it is a useless detour). I'll look some more to fully understand the factors involved. It's intricate on a professional composition level!


I would like to see that "detour" line, because according to my calcus Qc8+ is insufficient and gives black a remedy to even things up with (Ke7!!)

And let me in all modesty thank you for your generous compliment. happy.png



Even 1. Qc8+ Kf7!! sad.png 

