
Unintentional Checkmate


So I just played a game where I won due to a semi-unintentional mate. I knew all the moves I was playing after I promoted my Pawn were puting him in check, so my plan was just to keep checking till I saw a possible mate. Well, pretty soon, I threw up a check and realized it was mate. Does this ever happen to yall? Had I sat there for another second, I'm sure I would have seen it, but it was blitz and I was just trying to make quick moves.


In blitz I had unintentional checkmates a few times.

It is quite a strange feeling when the game suddenly ends and you have to figure out why :)

achja wrote:

In blitz I had unintentional checkmates a few times.

It is quite a strange feeling when the game suddenly ends and you have to figure out why :)

Good to know! Anytime it happens I always freak out thinking that I stalemated (Yes, I'm still a noivice lol)... My thought process in this case was I can win his knight with my rook, so why not? Completely forgetting my pawn guarding the c4 square. 


You actually had a checkmate earlier on.



In another comment you write that you are terrible at chess.

I would kindly disagree with that.

You have a fairly decent rating at "live standard" chess.

Several chess players could envy you about that.

You are probably just a bit slow at blitz, and/or need more experience.

The more chess positions you learn to grasp and understand, the more easy it will become to find "the best move" (where the best move could be more than one move, depending on your chess style, and your likings).

And there's even grandmasters who are quite slow, and are, relatively speaking, pretty bad at blitz. They do very well at slow time control chess, but blitz is not their thing.

Be positive, support yourself, and enjoy your chess ! Smile


I just played an unintentional checkmate in 1.

Thought I was going to win the black queen with a knight fork, but to my surprise ... the game ended right away.
