
Was I right to take the draw?!


Hello! First post here for me!

Recently played this game on facebook chess, a nice game but in the end I accepted a draw... was wondering if I should have actually tried to play it out? Endgames not my strongest point :)


Yeah I don't think you could've won that.18. exf6 was a really bad for you. I'm assuming you didn't see the attack on your queen? But that was set up by 17. Qxc4. Just take his knight there and your fine. Without that sequence you'd win easily.


I don't think you could have won that.


A strange thing hapened before, but after 20 moves you had two bishops for a rook - it's as two pawns more, so u had all chances to win. Then you lost one pawn on king's side, and it's draw.

Let's see the position after 24... Rxd6: your nekt move f4 is not good. You need not play at the king's side, but only to protect your pawns, and to go forward with your king and attack his c6 pawn with your king and bishop. F.e. 25. Ba3 Rf6 26. Bc5, then play your pawn g2-g3 and h2-h4 and they are protected. Your both bishops cound be in the centre (black-squered Bc5-d4-e3, white-squered c4-d3-e4 etc.), prepared to attack his rook and pawns on king's side, and your king is a strong piece. IMHO, you need to win!


Flash_is_the_Future wrote:

Yeah I don't think you could've won that.18. exf6 was a really bad for you. I'm assuming you didn't see the attack on your queen? But that was set up by 17. Qxc4. Just take his knight there and your fine. Without that sequence you'd win easily."

Sorry haven't worked out how to shut the quotes!

Flash, I couldn't have done that as 18. exf6 Bb4+ would have lost my queen!! My aim at that point was to try and get the bishop out and castle asap so as I could free the bishop on B2 from protecting against the rook on the A file.


Lydia, thanks that's certainly the better route - the rook is pretty well trapped there infront of his pawns!


@daver190: yes, you see the point! Two bishops together from the center put under control potentialy 28 squeres, and your  pawns  have  their role too!