
At what ELO do people stop auto-forfeiting when they lose their queen?


It's honestly frustrating... I don't even know what checkmate is anymore. Just play until you get your opponent's queen and they quit 9/10 times. But I'm <600 ELO so I'm assuming that's the main problem.

I just came off two games in a row where they blundered the queen and immediately left. I get that it's frustrating, but I'm just out here trying to learn and endgame practice seems to be annoyingly rare.

So is there an ELO where I can expect that to start tapering off? Obviously higher ELO = less likely to blunder the queen in the first place, but same question. When do people start blundering the queen less often?

Anyway, more of a rant than a serious question I suppose. It's honestly quite funny too that they care SO much about their queen (enough to quit) but yet don't pay enough attention to her to avoid obvious blunders... If you want to center your entire game around one piece, then pay attention to it!!

Not to mention, when you blunder it: learn from it. Learn how to keep playing with other pieces. It isn't great for your game or position of course, but it doesn't always equal a loss. In fact at an ELO this low I doubt it'd even matter that often. Rage quitting is boring. I'll take the free ELO gain I guess, but I'd really rather get there by actually winning than by facing people with such poor attitudes. 


because at most ratings people dont lose their queen anyways and yes losing your queen is 9/10 a loss 10/10 a loss if you lose it early game. Its worth 9 points

Usually it’s the low ELO that keeps playing after they hang their queen Lol. No chance anyone 4 digits would continue playing knowing it’s almost a guaranteed loss unless you’re a buffoon

lol in this ELO range I win games all the time without my queen... I agree it's harder, but that's why I keep playing. What's the point of resigning over one mistake? The more I play, the more opportunities to make a mistake, and the more mistakes I make (and then learn from) the more I can improve. So I forfeit because I make a mistake early in the game? Why throw away dozens of moves of learning for one lost piece. 
If losing your queen is a 9/10 loss, then there is still 1/10 of the time you can win, and that's a far more interesting win in my eyes anyway. Again, especially at 500 ELO lol we aren't grandmasters so just take the opportunity to learn.


Even at 900 level(me 1150 now) people used to lose to me during the 2 pieces vs queen battle. The way you win against a queen is to keep all the pieces defending each other. At 500 level anything can happen, I agree with you


People just don't see the point of playing if there's a high chance that they are going to lose the game anyway and that's just how it is. Also the higher ELO you climb, the harder it is to comeback after blundering your queen, so actually more people would resign instead of playing on. If I win a Queen early game its guaranteed resignation from my opponent and I'm 1000.


What the -


Because I 1500 ELO And when I capture queens, My opponent just wait's till his time is upsad.png

NMSO12 wrote:

Because I 1500 ELO And when I capture queens, My opponent just wait's till his time is up

Oof, yeah. I've had that too. Nothing seems to set people off more than taking their queen.


I was once paired against an opponent who blundered his queen, and then proceeded to blunder a king/rook fork on the very next move after I took it. Sometimes we just have bad days (probably not that bad, but you get it).


You should count your blessings.

At my Chess range, People lose their Queen.

BUT it’s often not considered a Blunder and the games are pretty insane.

I wish they would resign.