Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me
You just joined yesterday. Have patience.
Keep trying.
Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me
You just joined yesterday. Have patience.
Keep trying.
Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me
You just joined yesterday. Have patience.
Keep trying.
but i've been playing for longer
To progress over 500 there is really only one thing you must do - stop losing your pieces for nothing. You can then beat all the players who DO lose their pieces for nothing. This boils down to concentration and board awareness. Every time you are about to make a move ask yourself if you are going to lose material with your move. Every time your opponent moves ask yourself if they are threatening to take any of your pieces. Only you can control this necessary discipline during a game. Other general points - from the opening try to control the centre, develop your knights and bishops, castle your king, don't waste time moving pieces or pawns more than once unless forced, don't waste time moving flank pawns, don't waste time bringing your queen out early. Do this every single game and you will find that your positions are looking better after the opening phase. I see you play 10 minute games - if you want to improve you need to play longer games and give yourself time to think carefully. 30 minutes at least or daily chess. You don't have the skills to flick off moves every 10 seconds without taking the time to understand what is going on. Lastly I see you lost horribly to the wayward queen opening in your last game (1.e4 e5 2.Qh5). This is not a good choice for white (or black if they try it reversed) if you know how to deal with it because the queen can be chased away and it proves a waste of time. Beginner/novice players try this all the time so imprint this method in your mind and never again lose this way.
Something like this should be absolutely fine, then just continue developing pieces eg. Bg7, Nf6, d6, Bg4.
Main thing though, do not under any circumstances allow your opponent to take your stuff for free. Drill it into your thought process every game.
blitz rating 595 is it good? I am playing near about 3 months. earlier my rating was 200 to 300. can somebody just go through my account and tell me where do i stand. and i am just a beginner.
blitz rating 595 is it good? I am playing near about 3 months. earlier my rating was 200 to 300. can somebody just go through my account and tell me where do i stand. and i am just a beginner.
It's blitz, you barely have any time to think. Not much worth going over. You are probably giving away pieces for no reason. That's almost always what happens at those levels of play, I have yet to see an exception. "Good" is a relative term, though 595 is probably considered fairly low. If you are looking to improve, you need to give yourself time to think over your moves. A time control like 15-10, or even slower, is what generally works.
Edit: I decided I'd at least do a quick glance to confirm. I just finished watching a game where your opponent exchanged a queen for a rook, a rook for a knight, etc. You've completely won, then a pawn just walks up and eats your bishop, another pawn gobbles up the other bishop, then in the next move takes a queen. You fall for a knight fork on your king and rook. You guys presumably both know that a queen is not worth a rook, for instance. The online board even tells you the score. But with only 3 minutes to think on all of your moves combined, you don't have time to rule out things that you know are bad.
Doing puzzles helps, or play the computer at a level you can just beat. Analyse also helps, it tells you your mistakes, good moves, and shows what the best moves are.
blitz rating 595 is it good? I am playing near about 3 months. earlier my rating was 200 to 300. can somebody just go through my account and tell me where do i stand. and i am just a beginner.
It's blitz, you barely have any time to think. Not much worth going over. You are probably giving away pieces for no reason. That's almost always what happens at those levels of play, I have yet to see an exception. "Good" is a relative term, though 595 is probably considered fairly low. If you are looking to improve, you need to give yourself time to think over your moves. A time control like 15-10, or even slower, is what generally works.
Edit: I decided I'd at least do a quick glance to confirm. I just finished watching a game where your opponent exchanged a queen for a rook, a rook for a knight, etc. You've completely won, then a pawn just walks up and eats your bishop, another pawn gobbles up the other bishop, then in the next move takes a queen. You fall for a knight fork on your king and rook and end up losing the game. You guys presumably both know that a queen is not worth a rook, for instance. The online board even tells you the score. But with only 3 minutes to think on all of your moves combined, you don't have time to rule out things that you know are bad.
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I don’t know about you guys, but when I play my 1200 rated friends, I usually win but for some reason, 500 elo is impossible. There must be something wrong with this elo. I am probably going to make a new account because this is painful.
Learn how to stop leaving pieces unprotected an fork your opponents pieces. Take out there unprotected pieces Develop your pieces early fight for the center of board early on don't use queen to block your king if u have other options. I think that's more then enough oh an look at the entire board
You should learn most important principles of a chess game. That will give you a solid understanding of a chess game and you will know what to do in every position. Then, you should optimize your calculation so you don't miss tactics in your games. Your rating will skyrocket. I can help you with all of this. Message me if you are interested.
Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me
I've been playing for a couple of years now, can't play on 500. It's fine, ELO doesn't really matter as long as you have fun
I'm just wondering, are you still trying to improve? It's been two years... How has your chess been doing?
Play 1 game every single day until your Elo is bigger than 500 (If you are stuck in the win lose win lose pattern)
1st level: Defend your King. Dont get checkmated - survive until opponent lets you check mate them
2nd level: Dont give your queen and pieces. Just wait until they give you for free.
And chk 1st rule again.
3rd level, now principles like: pieces out, castle.
And see 1st and 2nd rule again.
4th: dont lose on time, it is their business
Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me
Dear AiahFas,
I am a certified, full-time chess coach, so I hope I can help you. Everybody is different, so that's why there isn't only one general way to learn. First of all, you have to discover your biggest weaknesses in the game and start working on them. The most effective way for that is analyzing your own games. Of course, if you are a beginner, you can't do it efficiently because you don't know too much about the game yet. There is a built-in engine on chess.com which can show you if a move is good or bad but the only problem is that it can't explain to you the plans, ideas behind the moves, so you won't know why it is so good or bad.
You can learn from books or Youtube channels as well, and maybe you can find a lot of useful information there but these sources are mostly general things and not personalized at all. That's why you need a good coach sooner or later if you really want to be better at chess. A good coach can help you with identifying your biggest weaknesses and explain everything, so you can leave your mistakes behind you. Of course, you won't apply everything immediately, this is a learning process (like learning languages), but if you are persistent and enthusiastic, you will achieve your goals.
In my opinion, chess has 4 main territories (openings, strategies, tactics/combinations and endgames). If you want to improve efficiently, you should improve all of these skills almost at the same time. That's what my training program is based on. My students really like it because the lessons are not boring (because we talk about more than one areas within one lesson) and they feel the improvement on the longer run. Of course, there are always ups and downs but this is completely normal in everyone's career.
I hope this is helpful for you. Good luck with your games!
Ive been looking at different puzzles and lessons and openings and tactics but i still can get past 500 could someone help me