
Can someone please explain why it says pawn h4 is the best move in game review?



This is something I often see in my games when going through the game review after a game. I play something (in this situation, it happens to be castling), and the game review tells me that pawn h4 is the best move. I've seen pawn h4 shown as the best move in various parts of the opening in multiple games and I CANNOT for the life of me understand why it's a good move, what it does, why I should do it....I occasionally would go pawn h3 to give my king an escape square and to prevent the knight from going g4, but what in the world does pawn h4 accomplish???? It's driving me maaaaad.



Hi @taylor1194 I'm sure the engine believes that "normal" developing moves like Be3 or Qe2 could be good too, but playing moves like h4 (even if castled there) is a more advanced concept where it is trying to exploit how passively the opponent has been playing by you grabbing space on all parts of the board (queenside, center and kingside). I discuss this concept in my YouTube video here: